Meditation Guide

Meditation - Easy Tools for Success

Do you want to learn how to meditate?
Have you tried to meditate but you keep falling asleep?
Or you're not sure you are doing it right?
Do you keep thinking about other things while you are trying to "clear your mind"?

First you need to decide what type of meditation you want to do. There are basically two types of meditation - active and passive. Passive meditation is clearing the mind of all thoughts. You can then allow your "inner voice" or "minds eye" to speak to you. Passive meditation is good for reducing stress, increasing creativity, or just getting in some quiet time.

Active meditation is when you keep your mind active by working on a particular problem in your life or focusing on accomplishing certain goals you have set. Using affirmations while meditating are particularly helpful in this area.

There are many simple techniques to help you meditate. You may have read about them already. They include breathing techniques, repeating mantras, sitting up so you don't fall asleep and visualizing certain objects. These are all good techniques and will help you accomplish reaching that alpha brain wave level necessary for meditation.

However, for a beginner, it can be frustrating, especially if you are not sure that you are reaching the alpha level. There are tools available that can help you. The easiest way to get started is with guided meditation cds. These recordings may have background music or binaural beats designed to help your brain get to the alpha level. Most of them will have a relaxation exercise. These are useful for passive meditation.

More advanced techniques for active meditation will have subliminal messages and/or auditory affirmations depending upon what goals you would like to accomplish. Some are called self-hypnosis cds but they really are the same as guided meditations. These are helpful in keeping you on track during your meditation. It is very easy to lose your focus when you meditate and have your thoughts drift off to other areas. Concentrating on listening to the cds will help you maintain your focus.

Where can you get these cds and how much do they cost? Believe it or not, some of them are free! More advanced cds with subliminal or auditory affirmations are usually less than $25. There are even guided meditations you can download from music sites. Some of the cds require a good set of headphones.

Remember, meditation is all about relaxing and de-stressing. If you find yourself getting stressed out about relaxing, it may be helpful to use one of these meditation aids to get started.

To find out more about these meditation tools, click on the link at the bottom of this article. You'll be taken to a product review site which will show you where to find the tools as well as other useful reviews.

Honest reviews of self help products including books, audio, movies and software. Many free resources!

Meditation News:

Mindfulness Meditation  Saint Michael's College

Singing Bowls Meditation  St. Petersburg College

News-Chronicle Events - Meditation Masks  The Shippensburg News-Chronicle

Meditation on a Roman Pizza  National Catholic Register

The 4 Best Meditation Apps of 2025 | Reviews by Wirecutter  Wirecutter, A New York Times Company

TSQ  Times Square

Mindfulness Meditation and Placebo Modulate Different Brain Patterns To Reduce Pain  National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

Meditation Across Faiths  The University of Virginia

World Meditation Day  Welcome to the United Nations

Why Meditation Might Need a Warning Label  Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley

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