Meditation Guide

The Art Of Meditation: How Easy Is It?

Meditation is a form of relaxing and a method to spiritual enlightenment that has been around for centuries. Yet with all the different types of meditation as well as the varied methods, how do you know you are truly meditating? Which one is right for you?

We are often told that to meditate is to think of nothing and clear your mind, which to me is impossible. Our minds do not stop even when we are asleep, so how do we consciously clear them when awake? The fact is that our minds are equipped with a goal serving mechanism, which means that the mind does not hear differences but only understands actions. It does not understand "do" and "do not", "will" or "will not." So by saying to your mind, "do not think of anything whilst meditating," the mind did not hear the "do not" and consequently you instructed your mind to do the exact opposite of what you wanted. It will now think of everything.

So, if thinking of nothing is impossible, then logically, to focus on one thing is possible, and to me that is meditating. Ironically, meditating can be done at any time of the day and on the contrary does not necessarily require being in a quiet, dark room. To meditate is to be one with that which I am doing, and that means to be focusing on that one thing I am doing.

For example, if I am cooking, then to "become" the knife that cuts the tomatoes is to me being focused and being at one with that which I am doing. To be the knife means that my only focus is to be cutting through the fibers of the tomato. I am not focusing on my to do list, nor on the errands I need to run. My mind is clear of all other thoughts.

This way I am always meditating and reaching a higher level, and I am also going about my daily life. I am focused on that which I am doing. Therefore, meditation is not clearing your mind but focusing on one thought, one activity and being fully present and one with that activity.

This method allows me to meditate daily and be completely in the moment during all my actions.

Start with a simple exercise as indicated below. As you become more masterful in the art of meditating you will then be able to apply this method to more challenging tasks in your life.

How To Meditate

1. Pick a daily activity to focus on
2. Become one with the activity. If you are vacuuming be the vacuum
3. The key is to feel
4. The only purpose of the vacuum is to pick up dirt
5. Imagine you are the vacuum, and feel it as though you are

Enjoy this process. you most certainly can achieve enlightenment without skipping a beat!

Muneeza Khimji is a Coach and a Psychotherapist. She lives in Toronto, and currently has a practice that serves both clients interested in coaching and therapy. She works with emotional issues and traumas as well as coaches around career transitions, workplace issues, team coaching and life coaching to name a few areas.

For more information on Muneeza please visit or send her an e-mail on

Meditation News:

World Meditation Day  Welcome to the United Nations

Mindfulness Meditation  Saint Michael's College

Opinion | Burned Out? Start Here.  The New York Times

Meditation on a Roman Pizza  National Catholic Register

Happiness Break: A Meditation to Inspire Awe in the New Year  Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley

Pure Activity  Tricycle

TSQ  Times Square

Mindfulness Meditation and Placebo Modulate Different Brain Patterns To Reduce Pain  National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

Meditation on a Roman pizza  Rhode Island Newspaper

Happiness Break: A Self-Compassion Meditation For Burnout  Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley

Why Meditation Might Need a Warning Label  Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley

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