Meditation Guide


Hello, sample some of the arguments below. But mind you, this is not an opinionated writer that is trying to forward his profound knowledge on an altruistic art that is meditation. All I can ask you is to go about this page with an open mind. Because, meditation is something that is physical and tangible. And it can always be sensed but the same can not be said about the results or benefits of meditating. This is the essence of meditation. This is the state of mind and body that it promises. OK. Here we go.

? Human brain is an electro-biochemical organ and that it reverberates to cosmic powers.

? Meditation activates the brains neural networks and brain chemistry to achieve and maintain meditative states of mind.

? Through meditation your mind and body acquire some energy field.

? Meditation shows the meaning of life and it helps achieve peace within ourselves.

? You can realize god through meditation (that meditation is the path to god and salvation).

? Your any activity in the right earnest and undistracted mind is meditation.

? You need to concentrate hard to meditate.

? No, let the mind free, do not concentrate.

(The word meditation is a Latin derivative of meditari and mederi (think and heal).

Now, my friends, should we go about these arguments one at a step, we understand some are acceptable and some are not. Why so? (Are you keeping your mind open?) After all, these arguments are made by the stalwarts who practice meditation every day!

Simple! Meditation is applying mind over body in a very organized way to concentrate more. Best way to do so is concentrate on your own breathing. It is usually done at a pristine time and place though there is no such compulsion. And while you are at it you tend to forget the rest of the world around you because you concentrated hard. This is realized once you are out of that state (Should we call it trance?)

I say, my friends, would you not agree such tranquility brings balance to ones mind that otherwise wanders? And that it is not some thing achievable only through meditation? Well, what ever that may be, if you just took the generic meaning of meditation, you know what to seek in it and how.

The controlled mind is what many have attained without knowing they meditated. To me it is a genuine way of over powering the fickle mind. Hey, did I hear someone just mention an idle mind is devil's work shop?

The author Rajgopal has been writing on technical matters and in this avtar he started healthcare writing. Rajgopal is a mechanical engineer and served the pharmaceutical industry. Oflate he has been putting his experience in to healthcare writing.

Meditation News:

World Meditation Day  Welcome to the United Nations

Mindfulness Meditation  Saint Michael's College

Opinion | Burned Out? Start Here.  The New York Times

Pure Activity  Tricycle

Happiness Break: A Meditation to Inspire Awe in the New Year  Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley

TSQ  Times Square

Mindfulness Meditation and Placebo Modulate Different Brain Patterns To Reduce Pain  National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

Why Meditation Might Need a Warning Label  Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley

The 4 Best Meditation Apps of 2025 | Reviews by Wirecutter  Wirecutter, A New York Times Company

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