Meditation Guide

Mastery Through Meditation

Are you still looking? For Love? Self-Worth? To know, truly KNOW, that you are of value to others and the Universe as a whole?

What is it that eludes you? That seems to elude so many of us?

For many, the part that's missing is the KNOWING. The Knowing that we are worthy, are worthy of love of others, of self-love, of Life itself. It's one thing to read the self-help books, to participate in seminars, to seek outside of the self. And those are all good things, and perfect for where you are now. But when you are ready for your next step?

When you are really ready, what does that look like? What does it feel like? First you must know this:


Now it's a question of readiness. Are you ready to KNOW yourself? Your Self?as Worthy? Worthy of anything and everything that you might consider of Joy, of Value? Worthy of that which would result in happiness? To see your Highest Nature? To experience and KNOW your own Mastery? When you do, you see there is no question of worthiness, of Love, of Perfection. For you are all of these things.

Let's speak now of Mastery. What does that mean to you? Is your initial response a positive one? Or is it something you do not wish to encounter just yet, or ever? Mastery can have a variety of meanings; I use it to describe the transcendence of the physical or any blocks or energetic patternings that keep us stuck in any way. Mastery is stepping into your Perfection, and is a continuous process of Unfoldment. For true mastery lies within each of us. We are already that which we seek. We only need to re-learn, and remember, how to See.

First you must see, and then you will KNOW. And in this knowing, you will contribute not only to yourself in this experience, but also to the KNOWING of others throughout the Universe, so they may also immerse in their Perfection. For from the Knowing is the true Love that you were created to experience. Feel that Love that is meant for you. Are you ready to See? Are you ready to KNOW?

One powerful opportunity to experience this Love and this Knowing is through meditation. And while there are many methods that originate both inside and outside the Self, it is often a matter of testing, of experimenting with which is right for you. Know that this may change over time. What is necessary with any form of meditation is to have a pure experience-the purest experience you can-and to know that because of this blissful and beautiful experience that will only get better, that you now Know your Self even more. Bit by bit, the Universe, your Self, unfolds. In that unfoldment lies pure Beauty, pure Love of the Self, pure Joy. You are meant to experience your Mastery, your Self as Source.

Go within. And experience your own Perfection. Your Mastery is within you.

JoAnne Scalise

JoAnne Scalise specializes in making Spirit accessible-and REAL-through workshops, group, and individual connections developed in collaboration with Source. One of her most requested Services is a Mastery Meditation recorded on CD, which contains specific information for the person requesting as well as transformational healing and energy transmissions for the individual path to Mastery. JoAnne is currently working on several books and programs, including the Angels Of... meditation series. This series will also contribute to the development of the Angels Of... project, with the goal of "conquering homelessness by connecting the Angels around us to the Angels among us".

You are welcomed to and to contact JoAnne at with questions or support in your search for connecting with your Mastery. You are wished every Blessing!

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